KS4 - Week 4 Activity - Richard Hamilton

This Week we are going to look at a Pop Artist from the UK - Richard Hamilton
He worked mostly in Collage and Photomontage, his breakthrough work was this one, entitled "What Make todays home so Appealing"

He made this by cutting out objects images from magazine and putting them together to create a new image, when he made it in 1956 all of the things were brand new and very modern, they now look very old like a time capsule, what can you see?

In 1992 he remade and updated this work using a computer to reflect things that were brand new then, this collage is now 32 years old and looks out of date.

What I want you to do today is to make your own version of "What makes todays home so appealing"

You will need;

Print out this template and use it as the background to the room you are going to fill with objects and people of today you like.

Take al look at these links for more information and inspiration.


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