KS4 Activity - Week 5 - MS Paint

This week I've decided to have some fun, after looking at Richard Hamilton's 1989 Collage last week we are going to be using a computer to make Art.

The program I want you to use is the most basic of Computer Art Packages which was launched in 1985 and discontinued in 2017 its called MS Paint and its great fun and very basic so don't worry about trying to make your drawing Perfect, go to 

were you will find the online version, I want you to have a go at drawing your desktop/work station, computer, mugs of tea pens everything you can see in front of you. You should spend about 45 mins doing this , then save/screen shot your drawing, and either email it to me or upload it to your class dojo.

Below are some examples of what I want to see, this is an artist who uses it in a more complicated if not weird way https://www.instagram.com/jimllpaintit/


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